About Me (Ginny)

Profile beaded border

"Understand me. I'm not like an ordinary world. I have my madness, I live in another dimension and I do not have time for things that have no soul."
- Charles Bukowski

Dear Friend,

I don't know about you, but I love to go straight to the "About Me/Us" page on a website. It adds a face and a story to the pages. And I just love faces and stories. I'm sure I will change this page as my little website/blog takes shape. That's okay. I'll grow through the process of writing and then we will grow together. Right here. In front of everyone.

Let me go full honest here. This is a big world with many places on the web to connect with others and discuss our interpretations of feminine strength and beauty. And I don't want you to begin this journey without knowing a few things about me and how I roll.

  • My full name is Ginny Love Moore. Yes, really.
  • Coffee? Tequila? Oh yes!
  • Nothing in the world soothes my soul like a walk outside.
  • The sensible and sylish women of the 1940s insipire and challenge me to be a better woman.
  • Texas is my home and has been for the five generations of Loves and Moores and Browns before me. I'm a proud memeber of the Daughters of the Republic of Texas and I adore this state with my whole, Southern heart.
  • I'm a great cook but a terrible gardener.
  • In the sixth grade I received an award for "Most Likely to be a Librarian" because I read in all my free time during classes. I still read. Every chance I get.
  • My home is full of people and music and musical people. All. The. Time. (Probably has something to do with the fact that we own a music school and we home school.) And that's just the way we like it.
  • I feel things deeply. And sometimes, I get words and visions for people when I pray for them. (It happens a lot, actually.) Some might call me an "empath" or "intuitive". Whatever. It is what it is. I can't explain it but I'm not ashamed of it either.
  • I've been in a relationship with the same, wonderful man for about twenty years. I consider him the head of our household. I submit myself to him and the life and vision he has for our family. This does NOT mean I'm his slave or that I am a doormat. It's my choice and it works for me.
  • I grew up in the Christian faith. Baptist, actually. But I do not believe religion and true connection to God are limited to a church building.
  • I'm here to shine my light and encourage you to do the same. That's it.

I don't need you to agree with all of the above info. Heck, I don't even need you to find it interesting. But I do need you to be respectful if you decide to let me know you disagree with any of it. There are plenty of places to argue about the issues I discuss on Far Beyond Rubies. Plenty. I've been to a few of those places. I don't need angry, hateful words. I feel life too deeply for that.

I'm not going for "politically correct" and "culturally acceptable" here. Just authentic. Because I feel incredibly strong and beautiful when I am.

To get to know me better and give me more opportunities to share my crazy brand of encouraging light with you, please sign up for my newsletter on my home page. I have a lot on my heart I want to share with you and I welcome your thoughts, questions, and insights. By the way, I just love it that you are here. We are going to have so much fun. ;)
